INFN Partners
INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati
The INFN-LNF COLD laboratory (CryOgenic Laboratory for Detectors) activities range from the characterization of cryogenic devices such as normal and superconducting resonant cavities, to the R&D for characterization of single photon detectors and Multi-harmonic magnetic susceptibility measurement. Cryogenics main equipments includes a big-size cryogen-free cryostat with a dilution refrigerator, a liquid Helium cryostat with a compact plastic dilution refrigerator, and a liquid Helium cryostat equipped with an 8 T SC magnet and a tuning system for cryogenic RF cavity testing. The laboratory is also equipped with RF electronics and instrumentation to perform measurement and characterization up to 20 GHz. The COLD group is currently working on the QUAX, SIMP, and SUPERGALAX projects, and proposed the KLASH experiment, all devoted to the Axion detection in the sub-eV mass range.
INFN - Lecce
The Cryo-Spintronics laboratory is the Italian node in the European Infrastructure on Magnetism within the ISABEL project. All facilities are jointly supported by the University of Salento, the National Research Council (CNR), and the INFN. The laboratory is equipped with a cryogenic RF probe station, superconducting magnets (up to 10.5 Tesla), also combined to a dilution fridge (down to 10 mK), and several instrumentations for DC transport, RF (up to 20 GHz), and FMR measurements. The related research activities span from spintronics and magnetotransport to magnonics and magneto-optical spectroscopy, from the characterization/optimization of novel sensors to the development of novel functional magnetic materials and quantum technologies.
INFN - Milano-Bicocca
The INFN-MIB Cryogenic Laboratory is one of the largest and most advanced cryogenic facilities dedicated to research on low temperature detectors for particle and astroparticle experiments. All the facilities and infrastructures are jointly run with the University of Milano-Bicocca. The laboratory is fully equipped for low temperature detector testing as well as with vacuum and low temperature instrumentation, calibration sources, electronic instrumentation, microwave read-out, data acquisition systems, and instrument systems. The people directly involved in these activities have more than 20 years of experience in cryogenics, electronics, data acquisition, data analysis, and low temperature detectors thanks to the participation in national and international cryogenic experiments for the study of the neutrino nature such as HOLMES, MARE, CUORICINO, CUORE, CUPID, and KIDS_RD.
INFN - Salerno
The INFN-SA group operates at the Physics Departments of the University of Salerno and has a multi-decennial experience in modeling and simulation of Josephson systems, as well as in the experimental characterization of Josephson based devices. The in-house simulation activities exploit commercial and ad-hoc developed software on a dedicated workstation equipped with TITAN GPU, for parallel computing, and also use the computing cluster available at the Physics Departments of UNISA. The group also operates on the experimental side by using a low temperature cryostat (down to 300 mK), and low frequency and microwave instrumentation (RF generators 2-18 GHz, spectrum analyzer 2-20 GHz) suitable for characterization of superconducting devices. The group is currently involved in the FEEL, SIMP, and VIRGO projects.
INFN - Trento Institute for Fundamental Physics and Applications
The INFN-TIFPA team comprises personnel from different local institutions of the Trento area (University of Trento, FBK, and CNR-IFN) associated with INFN and involved in several national and international activities, partly funded by INFN. The Low Temperature Laboratory is hosted in the building of the Department of Physics of the University of Trento and has available two dilution refrigerators, one equipped for microwave measurements, liquid helium cryostats, a helium liquefier, SQUIDs, and various electronics and data acquisition systems. Recent activities relevant to the DARTWARS project include the participation to the INFN axion detector QUAX, the development of Kinetic Inductance Detectors, within the INFN project KIDS_RD, in particular the demonstration of single-photon resolution in the near-infrared and the characterization of single-photon detectors based on Transition-Edge Sensors within the INFN project SIMP.
External Partners
Fondazione Bruno Kessler - Center for Materials and Microsystems
FBK–CMM is an international research center for the development of novel concepts in sensors and devices for research, Big Science, industrial and technical applications. The ever-increasing demand for sensors and devices with improved performance driven by frontier research and experiments on one side and by the advanced technology challenges faced by innovative industries on the another side are stimulating the fundamental scientific progress of the center. The Micro System Technology group (MST) has a long-lasting experience in fabricating KID detectors for which it has developed Ti/TiN multilayer films. FBK is equipped with a 6” CMOS pilot microfabrication line including optical lithography with submicron resolution and e-beam lithography as well as additional equipment for micromachining. FBK has also a well-equipped lab for physical/chemical analysis of materials, surfaces, and interfaces.
Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica
INRiM is the National Metrology Institute of Italy with the task of carrying out and promoting scientific research in metrology, new technologies, and materials. INRiM with his Quantum Metrology and Nanotechnology (QN) Division has a long experience in advanced nano and microfabrication with various deposition techniques. The local SuperQuElectronics laboratory develop innovative nanostructured devices, cryogenic platforms, and superconducting devices for quantum processing of microwave signals. The laboratory includes a cryogen-free cryomagnet capable of reaching a minimum temperature of 10 mK and a magnetic field up to 10 T, equipped with dc, low-frequency, and radiofrequency lines. The group is currently involved in the SIMP, SUPERGALAX, ParaWave, and SuperQuant projects.